Balancing hormones...
to regain...
a paramount quality of life™
About Hormones
Hormonal balance restoration for men and women
“Utilizing bio-identical hormones, nature’s own to your advantage”™
Hormones Women Specifically Need to...Feel Like a Woman
Understanding the Interactions Between Estrogens, Progesterone, Testosterone and DHEA
Fitting Together, Like Pieces of a Puzzle
How We Treat Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal Analysis
We have been successfully utilizing bioidentical hormones in our practice for over 12 years.
Hormones are “chemical messengers”, they transport information between cells and therefore facilitate communications among different body organs, and regulate the various functions of our body.
Bio-identical hormones are derived from plants. Plant precursors to hormones undergo transformation in the chemical laboratory and create the end products, hormones, which are identical in biochemical structure and biological function to the hormones made by the human body. Because bio-identical hormones are identical to our human hormones, our body can utilize and metabolize them easily, without dangerous side effects.
Horse derived estrogens are not specific for the human species.
Synthetic hormones have different chemical structures and biological actions then human hormones; therefore they can create unpleasant side effects.
Phyto-estrogens (plant hormones) can help with menopausal symptoms, but they will not restore hormonal balance.
The goal of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is to restore the levels of hormones which you had when you were in your prime feeling good and looking young.
Bio-identical hormones are prescribed by a medical doctor and are specifically custom-made for you by a compounding pharmacist.
Hormonal imbalances can occur throughout life and can manifest as growth and development problems in childhood. Hormonal imbalances can affect normal puberty; create disorders of the menstrual cycle (including PMS), lead to infertility and are the foundation of menopause.
The major hormones usually given to treat women’s hormonal imbalances through bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) are progesterone, estrogens, testosterone and DHEA. These hormones are often referred to as “sex hormones” since they influence the development of sexual characteristics starting at puberty. Their precursor is cholesterol and they belong to the category of hormones known as steroid hormones. It is actually a misconception that cholesterol is always bad. The right amount of cholesterol is critical for the synthesis of progesterone, estrogens, testosterone and DHEA. The reason many people have high cholesterol as they age is due to the fact that their body’s production of progesterone, estrogens, testosterone and DHEA decreases. The declined levels of production of these steroid hormones cause an excess of cholesterol circulating in the body.
Testosterone and DHEA
The three estrogens produced by the woman’s body are estrone (E1) estradiol (E2) and estriol (E3). Estrogens are responsible for the development of female secondary sex characteristics such as breasts. Estrogen is secreted mostly by the ovaries, but can also be released by the adrenals and fatty tissue. After release to the blood stream estrogen moves to its receptors that are located in many different tissues such as the uterus, breasts, bones, heart and brain. Because there are estrogen receptors in the brain, estrogen plays a significant role in women’s mental health and its imbalances can lead to symptoms of mood swings, memory problems, and anxiety.
The level of circulating estrogen is not the only important factor for a woman’s wellbeing. The way estrogen is metabolized by the body is of great significance. There are two major pathways for estrogen metabolism. One leads to 2-hydroxyestrone (“good estrogen”) and the other leads to 16-hydroxyesrone (“bad estrogen”).
An excess of 16-hydroxyestrone increases the risk for breast cancer. The good news is that estrogen metabolism can be easily measured by a blood or urine test and if necessary can be positively influenced by supplements and dietary modifications.
The hormone which most directly balances estrogen is progesterone.
Progesterone is made by the ovaries before menopause and in the later years by the adrenal glands.
Progesterone helps prepare the woman’s body for conception and pregnancy and regulates the menstrual cycle. It also plays a role in sexual desire. Progesterone has a calming, relaxing effect on the brain, it improves mood and insomnia. Progesterone may protect against uterine and breast cancer.
Progesterone improves bone density. Progesterone has a beneficial influence on the cardiovascular system and cholesterol. Progesterone increases metabolic rate. Progesterone has anti-inflammatory actions and regulates the body’s immune response. Progesterone should not be confused with progestins, which are synthetic forms of progesterone.
Testosterone is usually considered a male hormone, but it is also needed (in a much smaller amount) by a woman’s body. In women, testosterone is produced by the ovaries and the adrenal glands.
Estrogen replacement therapy without balancing testosterone at the same time can lead to even greater testosterone deficiency in postmenopausal women.
Testosterone is a hormone that influences our personality. It gives us a sense of wellbeing and empowers us to take actions in life. Testosterone increases feelings of emotional comfort, self confidence and assertiveness. When testosterone levels are in balance we are able to live our lives with passion.
Testosterone has both a physiological and a psychological impact on women's sexuality. Testosterone enhances libido in women. Testosterone increases muscle mass and strength. Testosterone decreases body fat. Testosterone helps you feel more energetic.
DHEA is often referred to as the “mother hormone” since it is a precursor to other steroid hormones such as: testosterone and estrogen. DHEA is secreted mostly by the adrenal glands. Besides being a precursor to sex hormones, DHEA has many other important functions in the body. DHEA improves the body’s metabolism and promotes weight loss. Significant amounts of DHEA are synthesized in the brain and as a result DHEA improves memory and helps with depression. DHEA also increases energy levels. DHEA plays an important role in maintaining the body’s immune functions. People with inflammatory and auto-immune disorders usually have lower levels of DHEA then healthy individuals. DHEA decreases the risk for cardiovascular disease and improves cholesterol levels.
Low levels of DHEA in women develop as a result of adrenal fatigue or aging.
DHEA and testosterone belong to a group of androgens (masculinizing hormones) and if their levels are elevated in a woman’s body, androgens will express their masculinizing effects in the forms of: excess facial hair, greasy hair, acne, etc.
Balance is the key; therefore BHRT has to be closely monitored until the proper levels are established. Your hormonal needs change when your life situation changes, including stress, physical exertion, illness, etc.
The best, most comprehensive approach, to hormone replacement therapy is to evaluate all major body hormones such as the sex hormones, adrenal hormones, thyroid hormones and balance all of these that are out of optimal range. All hormones in the body work in synergy with each other. If only a few hormones are replaced, the imbalance of other hormones may actually worsen.
Bioidentical hormones, when connected to their receptors, fit perfectly, like a key in a lock. This is due to their chemical structure which is identical to the hormones made by the human body.
Synthetic hormones or horse hormones have a different chemical structure, then hormones produced by the human body. When they connect to the hormone receptor, they do not fit; and by distorting the receptor, synthetic and horse hormones create many unpleasant side effects.
Women at the time of menopause can decide to start bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).
At this time of your life, BHRT is prescribed mainly for 2 reasons: to help alleviate the unpleasant menopausal symptoms and to slow down the aging process.
Choosing bio-identical hormones is the best way to replace hormones.
Before we start you on bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, we will obtain the baseline hormonal evaluation either by a blood, 24hour urine test or a saliva test.
To learn about the 3 ways to evaluate hormones, (blood, urine, saliva) Click here
We also require that you have an up-to-date PAP smear, breast health evaluation (example: mammogram). It is prudent to have other tests done such as: pelvic ultrasound, C125 antigen, bone density test and estrogen metabolism test.
After we know what your hormonal needs are, we can give you a prescription for BHRT in the form of a skin cream or gel, capsules or sublingual lozenges.
It may take a few day for you to start noticing the positive effects of BHRT, but to accomplish the desired hormonal balance, up to several months may be required.
Follow up tests are performed after 3 months from the initial evaluation and we recommend further follow-up testing every three months during the first year of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. After the first year of BHRT, if the desired hormonal balance is accomplished, follow-up testing can be repeated once a year.
We may also recommend synergistically acting nutraceutical supplements and skin care products to further enhance the effects of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.
Hormonal imbalances can manifest themselves at any time in your life.
Presently many women suffer from these imbalances not knowing that they can be helped.
Allopathic medicine treats hormonal problems in pre-menopausal women usually by prescribing birth control pills. This approach relieves symptoms, but can contribute to even greater hormonal imbalances.
Our Program Consists of:
Once we know the nature of your hormonal imbalance, we provide you with individualized recommendation for:
2.) Andropause-Hormonal Balance Restoration for Men
“A strategic campaign to preserve your masculinity”
Andropause is one of the most unrecognized health conditions in men.
Men experience a decline in testosterone which correlates to the hormonal changes that occur in women during menopause.
Menopause is usually sudden, being very obvious, while andropause is generally more subtle, and changes are adaptable therefore they often go unnoticed.
Testosterone, the predominant male hormone, decreases gradually throughout life, starting in the 20s.
At the age of 70, the level of testosterone is only 50 percent of that at age 18-20.
During andropause men can experience many of the following symptoms related to a testosterone decrease:
Decreased psychological wellbeing
Memory problems
Reduced physical endurance
Decreased muscle mass and strength
Abdominal obesity
Decreased libido
Erectile dysfunction
Prostate hypertrophy
Increased risk for cardiovascular disease
Decreased bone mass
Wrinkles and an aged appearance
Our Program for correcting the hormonal imbalance of Andropause includes:
To learn about the 3 ways to evaluate hormones, (blood, urine, saliva) Click here
It is very important to decide what type of hormones and/or hormone metabolites are to be evaluated. Then, the most appropriate route of measurement can be determined. We offer the following hormonal panels:
The blood test measures free and bound hormones.
This represents circulating hormones detected at the time of the test.
Serum is the test of choice for evaluation of glandular secretion.
This test measures hormones released and circulating in the body in a 24hr period as well as metabolites of selected hormones.
Urine is the test of choice for assessment of peripheral metabolism.
Testing for hormones using saliva, is a method which has gained popularity in the recent years. This is due to the simplicity and noninvasive nature of sample collection.
Saliva tests reflect only the metabolic process of salivary glands and a limited passive diffusion of the hormones from the bloodstream.
This test does not represent circulating hormones.
Saliva is used for selected situations such as cortisol and melatonin monitoring of AM/PM circadian rhythm.