Bioidentical Hormones Doctors, Bioidentical Hormones for Men, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, BHRT
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         Balancing hormones...
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Bioidentical Hormones For Men, Bioidentical Hormones, Testosterone, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Male Menopause Symptoms, AndropauseBioidentical Hormones For Men, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Male Menopause, Andropause, Male Menopause Symptoms, Testosterone Cream, TestosteroneBioidentical Hormones For Men, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Male Menopause, Andropause, Male Menopause Symptoms, Testosterone Cream, Testosterone, Bioidentical HormonesBioidentical Hormones For Men, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Male Menopause, Andropause, Male Menopause Symptoms, Testosterone Cream, TestosteroneBioidentical Hormones For Men, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Male Menopause, Andropause, Male Menopause Symptoms, Testosterone Cream, Testosterone, Bioidentical HormonesBioidentical Hormones For Men, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Male Menopause, Andropause, Male Menopause Symptoms, Testosterone Cream, Testosterone, Hormone Replacement TherapyBioidentical Hormones, Bioidentical Hormones For Men, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Male Menopause, Andropause, Male Menopause Symptoms, Testosterone Cream, Testosterone

               Testosterone Replacement Therapy
             Benefits of addressing low Testosterone Levels with
             Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy

                    The goal of natural testosterone replacement therapy is to balance
                    testosterone levels in men, using bioidentical testosterone cream
                    or gel to bring testosterone levels back into normal range.
                    Bioidentical hormones offer a natural solution for men

Low testosterone levels affect approximately 13.8 million American men. However, only 5 percent of men suffering from andropause (also known as male menopause) and low testosterone levels currently receive testosterone replacement therapy.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy  Testosterone replacement therapy -
  Relieving symptoms of low testosterone

Testosterone replacement therapy in men is indicated when symptoms and signs of a hormonal imbalance suggestive of testosterone deficiency are present and when the levels of testosterone as measured by laboratory testing are in decline.

Elevating testosterone levels to achieve "normal testosterone levels in men" has a profound effect on improving the quality of life. Bioidentical hormones for men are a natural alternative to synthetic hormones. Testosterone replacement therapy with the use of synthetic hormones has been known to cause dangerous side effects such as liver toxicity. Bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy is a safe and rewarding way to balance testosterone levels in men.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Bioidentical Hormones
  Benefits of natural testosterone replacement therapy

  Normal testosterone levels in men are the best protection
  against erectile dysfunction ED.

Testosterone restored to optimal levels through the effective implementation of natural testosterone replacement therapy will have a protective effect on many of body’s organs and organ systems.

  • Natural testosterone replacement therapy strengthens the cardiovascular system preventing heart attacks as well as strokes and will assist the body’s regulation of optimal blood pressure.
  • Bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy increases bone density and provides additional support for the health of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Natural testosterone replacement therapy improves brain function, memory and concentration.
  • Bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy decreases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Natural testosterone replacement therapy may improve visual acuity, eye health and prevent the risk for age-related macular degeneration AMD.
  • Bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy stabilizes blood sugar levels, decreasing one’s risk for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome X.
  • Natural testosterone replacement therapy, when correctly applied, can help a person deal with emotional stress, stabilizes mood and may help prevent depression.
  • Bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy and the restoration of youthful levels of testosterone will decrease mortality in men.

Bioidentical Hormones for Men  Goals of natural bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy

The primary goal of natural testosterone replacement therapy is to attain a balance of normal testosterone levels in men as measured by testosterone serum levels as well as modification of other hormone levels such as DHEA and estradiol that often are abnormal during andropause or male menopause.

Another important goal of bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy is to improve the symptoms of male menopause and andropause including restoration of sexual function, libido and enhancement of the quality of life. Prevention of diseases linked to low testosterone levels such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis may be achieved through the use of natural bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy. When replacing testosterone, other hormones that are imbalanced should also be brought to optimal levels including DHEA and estradiol (estradiol levels often increase as normal testosterone levels drop).

Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Testosterone Replacement

  Bioidentical hormones for men, replacement of DHEA in men

The hormone DHEA should be replaced in men with low DHEA levels. Bioidentical DHEA is usually taken by mouth in a form of tablets or capsules. Natural bioidentical DHEA supplements are readily available as over-the-counter medications. However, the purity and effectiveness of over-the-counter DHEA supplements can widely vary. Doctors specializing in bioidentical hormones recommend using only pharmaceutical grade natural DHEA supplements from reputable sources. Generic DHEA supplements can contain toxic synthetic ingredients.

Testosterone Therapy, Bioidentical Hormones for Men  Monitoring patients on bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy

Men who are on bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy require proper monitoring and periodic assessments by a doctor who specializes in bioidentical hormones (a bioidentical hormones doctor). These men should be evaluated by their bioidentical hormones doctor every 3 to 4 months during the first year of bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy. This evaluation should include: examination, laboratory testing comprising of a male hormonal panel, PSA and hematocrit. The present health condition of the prostate can be evaluated by an ultrasound that can be repeated on an annual basis. When hormonal balance is accomplished, subsequent evaluations should be performed on a semi-annual basis.

Natural Testosterone Replacement Therapy

  Bioidentical hormones for men
  natural testosterone replacement therapy

There are several ways through which natural testosterone replacement therapy can be accomplished. These various methods of bioidentical testosterone application differ in effectiveness, ease of use and side effects.

Natural testosterone replacement therapy can be performed as:

    1. Transdermal application of bioidentical testosterone cream or bioidentical testosterone gel
    2. Sublingual bioidentical testosterone lozenges
    3. Testosterone injections (of testosterone esters)
    4. Natural testosterone skin patches
    5. Bioidentical testosterone pellets
    6. Natural testosterone oral tablets

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Male Menopause Symptom <10 11 12 13 14> Testosterone Replacement Therapy